Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hot Objects

Dear Sally,

I'm probably making too big a deal of this, I'm sure I am, but tonight is my first college party....ever.

Julie's right, right. I mean, the first college party is when it all happens. (Cut to Felicity taping) Ok, so, this is just one version of how it could go, one secnario. Ben shows up and, uh..... we see each other from across the party, and he comes over. And we talk about, um, you know, Mr. Regalsky's class or something. He likes how I look, I like how he looks. And we basically, um, you know, appreciate you know how each other looks. And then we start dancing, and we dance for hours, until we're just exhausted and sweaty and ready to pass out. But the party's on my floor, so I say, "You want to go to my room", or, um, (sultry voice) "You want to go to my room?" Whatever. And Meghan's not here, thank God. And so, we jus sit on my bed, and talk, about everything. Of course, I blew my first opportunity to ask him.

Can you believe that? I was right there! All I had to say was, "Yeah, next time, this Friday." God! How incapable am I? That was lame.

You know what's amazing? I couldn't feel better about sticking with premed, and this is going to be my first class, the beginning of my life as a doctor. (walks into a crowded class room) Because I'm not a Stamford, now I get to study under someone who, in a way, I've idolized. For years, through his books, I've learned so much from him, I kind of feel like I've met him already.

Sally, I would only say this to after you listen to this tape, you have to erase it. But I can....actually picture, what it might be be with a man for the first time....sexually. If you're laughing at me right now, I don't blame you.

-felicity, 1x03

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